What is
Open Coaching Hours

Open Coaching Hours is simple. Bring your legal tech questions and concerns, and we answer those questions.

Who is this for?

Anyone in the legal space trying to develop better processes, streamline intakes, and striving for automation and efficiency within the firm.

What can we talk about?

Anything in the legal tech space. This is for you to ask your question and we will do our best to answer them. It is also a great space to bounce ideas off of us and others who have joined.

What is our expertise?

Legal tech & process development. We specialize in LawMatics, Actionstep, Kenect SMS, Calendly and online scheduling for your firm, Sagacity Online intake forms and many others!

What is the cost?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. We don’t charge for you to attend Open Coaching Hours with us.

How do I join?

Simple! Fill out the form “Get Your Join Link Here” and it will be emailed to you. Your link is the same every week. Invite anyone else you know in the legal space who might benefit from this time to request their link as well!

What qualifies us to coach?

We have worked in law firms and coached for many years & know the pain points in the legal tech space and inefficient processes. We have learned how to overcome those hurdles and show you how to own your role like a boss!


Let a Robot do what a Robotcan Do,
and a Human do what ONLY a Human can do